Products Category

Air Diffuser

NUVEQ Engineers Pvt. Ltd offers an extensive range of air diffusers which are designed to meet the specific requirements of architectures. We are a leading manufacturer, supplier and service provider of various kind of air diffuser at the very comfortable price range. Our wide range of air diffusers includes Aluminum Ceiling Diffuser, Continuous Slot Diffuser, Linear Slot Diffuser, Perforated Face Diffuser, Laminar Flow Diffuser, Multi Cone Ceiling Diffuser, Plaque Ceiling Diffuser, Adjustable Blade Ceiling Diffuser, Laminar Flow Diffuser, Multi Cone Ceiling Diffuser, Plaque Ceiling Diffuser, Adjustable Blade Ceiling Diffuser, Spot Diffuser, Curved Blade Ceiling Diffuser and Round Fix Core Ceiling Diffuser.

Air Grills

We are a reputed manufacturer and exporter of highly functional Air Grills which are suitable for sidewall and ceiling applications. We produce high-quality air grills using high-quality materials to ensure the durability of products. Extensive range of air diffusers such as Adjustable Blade Air Grille, Linear Bar Return Air Grille, Linear Fixed Bar Grille, Linear Floor Grille, Egg Crate Grille, Non Vision Air Transfer Grille, Acoustic Transfer Grille, Exhaust Air Grille, Pre Filter Combination Air Grille, Double Deflection Air Grille, Air Duct Grille, Single Deflection Air Grille, Heavy Duty Floor Grille, Light Duty Floor Grille, Security Perforated Grille, and Decorative Grilles are manufactured by us. Our teams are committed to delivering superior quality products to our valuable clients.

Air Filter

Air Pollution is one of the main problems that we are facing in our cities. Global Warming is decreasing the air quality and increasing breathing problems and airborne diseases. Our Air filters are specially designed to filter unwanted particles such as molds, dirt, gases, and odors from the air. Air filters work as a purifier and can be equipped within a home or commercial HVAC systems or direct air machines. We focus on quality assurance and provide air filters manufactured by using high-quality fabric and activated carbon and the latest technology. We offer Air Bag Filters, Pre Air Filters, Fine Air Filter, HVAC Air Filter, Washable Panel Filter, HEPA Air Filter, Activated Carbon Air Filter, and Mini Pleat Hepa Filter at the pocket-friendly prize.

Air Louvers

Our Company offers a complete choice of Air Louvers which includes Weather Air Louver, Aluminum Sand Trap Louver, Damper Sand Trap Louver, High-Efficiency Sand Trap Louver, Flush Mounted Sand Trap Louver, Fresh Air Louver, and Exhaust Air Louver. Air Louvers are specially designed for intake and exhaust applications. They are available in customized sizes as per the specific requirements of our clients. We use High-quality raw materials for production to make our products more durable, rust-proof and meets every parameter as low self-generated aerodynamic noise, minimum pressure loss, and minimal water ingress. These Air Louvers maintains a stationary appearance when closed, requires very less maintenance and provides a pleasant inner environment.

Duct Accessories

We manufacture custom and standard air exhaust rectangular and round silencers. Duct silencers are available in various sizes, shapes, length, and models which are suitable for HVAC systems, residential, commercial and industrial application. Duct silencers are widely used for reducing fan noise in HVAC applications. Our duct silencers are known for providing maximum sound attenuation for systems with spatial limitations. We also offer an enormous assortment of Plenum boxes of unmatched quality. Our professionals are devoted to served premium quality of services to our customers and produce products as per the industrial standard. Our Terminal Boxes are fabricated with high-quality stainless steel.

HVAC Systems

NUVEQ Engineers Pvt. Ltd offers an extensive range of HVAC Systems. We are leading supplier of VRF unit, Air washers, Fan coil Units, Ductable units, VAV boxes and other items.

Get in touch !

225, Horizon Industrial Park, NH-48, Por, Vadodara - 391 243
+91 8153 969 969 , +91 8154 969 969
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